

Oh my god. Seriously Oh MY GOD. Can you even believe this was FA-SHION-A-BLE? Not sure how to plaster your eyes with bright blue paint? That's okay- this ad came with instructions for the make-up impaired. And is it me or does this lady look like the next door nieghbor lady (Amanda Bearse) on 'Married with Children'? Except for her unfortunate uneven eyebrow problem and the bangs she clearly let her 3 year kid cut before the photo.

Just shoot me if this ever comes back in style...


Mel said...

Haha! And if it didn't get any worse they put instructions on the side on how to get this "great" look!

Aimz said...

oooh I'm so glad I was never into the blue eyeshadow thing but I remember my mother in the 70's doing it - *shudder*

DD said...

Ahahaha!!! Come on, I saw you wearing your make up like this YESTERDAY, dont pull our legs!

Ps. You can still love my Disney blog in live in California, I'll let you. :)


The Maid said...

I've seen this look on girls at my church.

Don't they know, been there done that, is not a way to make up?