
Weiner Adtalk

Susie: Thanks for the wiener Katie, I am gonna dance with mine... Katie: SO glad you came by- and what are the odds we would both be wearing the same ugly sweater! Susie: Hey SWELL widows-peak Kate...and I love how the headband action really shows it off. Katie: Only when I keep my head down like this...I am starting to get a kink in my neck. Susie: Watch out those are hot.. Katie: Actually I have to pee, can you take over? Susie: Sure! I love weiners! I mean who doesn't???


Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH....busted the belly on that one. How hysterical you are! I can just see you sitting at your computer typing this post out laughing away. Marcy, you're the best!!

The Maid said...

I have a lovely widow's peak as myself...never really knew what to do with it. I'll have to try the headband.

I think I actually had a sweater like that!

Yes, I am a wiener lover!

Aimz said...

lol that's funny, you call them weiners we call them sausages :-)

Anonymous said...

One time I made the mistake of telling my husband to grill my hotdog a little longer because I loved black weenies. I'm NEVER going to live that one down...

This post totally made me giggle. High five, Mama!

Suz Broughton said...

Oh You! So funny! I love that word weiner. I am going to use it once a day for a whole week.

Lynn said...

But wait, I have that sweater and I wear it with leggings JUST like that. Some lady in the grocery line told me I shouldn't wear a thong with my leggings. What a weiner. She just doesn't get fashion. Gotta go. I have to iron my jumpsuit for tomorrow.