
Adtalk: The before the Ad conversation...

Conversation at the Ad firm months earlier....
Mike: Hey Bob any ideas for the new Kindness Hair Oil campaign? Bob: Yeah I was thinking of bringing in one of the girls from the new Broadway show 'Cats' to be the 'Before' Mike: Hey that sounds groovy- but be sure she looses the whiskars...whiskars don't help sell beauty products ya know. You remember what happened on the Vo5 campaign don't you? Bob: Yeah that was bad....and oily.... Mike: ..and hot. Okay so you got the Cat girl and what else? Bob: Uh I don't know- I guess another hair girl- only we will tame her hair a little...but still really really big Mike: ...and wrap a little around her neck for effect okay? What about the copy Bob? what do you have for that? Bob: I thought the Cat girl could complain that she doesn't like the product because it does really great things and the other girl will just be all calm and be all 'whats wrong with that?' Mike: Hmmm....interesting.Okay fine, but no smiling. They can't look happy about using this product...actually they should look a little depressed and uncomfortable. Bob: Got it. Depressed and serious. Mike: and uncomfortable...don't forget that. Bob: Oh they will be uncomfortable. Trust me on that.


Threeundertwo said...

I promise if you touched either of those heads of hair, your hand would hurt.

Hilarious post. I'm thinking that ad is from about 1973.

Suz Broughton said...

I get to be the one on the left and you can be the one on the right...

Anonymous said...


Aimz said...

LOL! I cant' believe hair styles like that were popular in the 70's - as for me I use to have Bon Jovi/Def leppard hair in the 80's complete with blonde streaks - oh the shame of it...