
Its moving day....come on over!

I am moving.
To a new home.
But I don't have it fixed up yet....ya know pictures to hang and things to organize. It is in the fancy Wordpress sub-division in Bloggyville so it is going to take some time learning my way around. I am already frustrated with design things. Looks like I am going to have to pick up a copy of HTML for Dummies to survive. Actually I had an insane amount of help moving from Racheal from Cafinated Elf. She is a good sport and can really carry more boxes than you would think!
But I am worried. And I have been since I decided to move. I am so afraid I will lose those of you who subscribe to my blog! I know it is going to require you to re-subscribe...and well, I am afraid you will reconsider or something! So please. Take a moment and subscribe (or bookmark me) to my new address- and make my day!
Easy to say. Easy to Write. And Easy to remember.
All part of my world domination plan.
Yes, I have a plan.
So come on over to the new place.
How can I have a proper blog warming without you?
After all- YOU are the party!


Suz Broughton said...

...and don't forget, easy to spell.

Amy said...

hey Marcy, I'm on my way over, I'm a wiz at wordpress so if you need some help let me know ok?