
I finally figured it out!

As you have always suspected.

CAKE is the answer.

It really doesn't matter what the question is does it?


califmom said...

Cake is totally the answer. To Every Single Question. Cake. Yum.

Suz Broughton said...

This reminds me of that Sex and the City when Maranda replaces men with chocolate cake.
Listen to me all "SATC."

polkadot said...

hey -- there's drool on my keyboard. weird...

Misty said...

This made me laugh...

Anonymous said...

Cake may very well BE the answer - but never yellow cake.

I'm sorry. It just can never be.

foolery said...

Sometimes it's even a question, and then it answers itself.

Will you be featuring Answer Pie and Answer Brownies any time soon?

It's just a question. :)

Kristin said...

HAHA I just wrote a post about making a cake..cute!!

Ann Harrison said...

Cake IS the answer!
My complete answer involves a white cake with raspberry filling topped with buttercream frosting heavily doused with coconut shavings.
(...Ann's in her happy place now... Luckily I'm the only one who seems to like this combination)