
The Rule breaker

Sandra refused to use the sofa or chairs when she dined. She loved to sit on the floor-no matter where she was. It allowed her tablecloth skirt to be spread out before her in a jaunty fashion. Her husband, John always tried to convince her to get off the floor at dinner parties- but Sandra just smiled and fed him bites of food off her plate. She was oblivious to his pain. They were not invited back again. But Sandra didn't care- she thought she looked great eating this way, and that was all that mattered to her...she was a rebel. She was a rule breaker. Eventually John and Sandra divorced. She remarried to a man who was wheelchair bound. They could see eye to eye on everything.


Victoria said...

O Marcy - this ROCKS!! I am Sandra I do what I want too, you only live once why not have fun and breaking the rules is FUN!!!!

and Sandra does look very pretty!!

Anonymous said...

This is hilarious. I found your blog from a link on June Cleaver Nirvana...and this totally made me laugh! I look forward to more humor to brighten my day (ok, night, it is night now, but you know what I mean)

Amy said...

LOL that's so funny! I guess Sandra would enjoy eating in a Japanese restaurant - they eat on the floor too LOL

Threeundertwo said...

Forget Sandra! I want to fit into that orange dress!

Miss said...

LMAO WHY is that coffee table so damn low? So she can scoot over to it!

Alli Worthington said...


Anonymous said...

so funny