"How soon is too soon? Not soon enough. Laboratory tests over the last few years have proven that babies who start drinking soda during that early formative period have a much higher chance of gaining acceptance and 'fitting in' during those awkward pre-teen and teen years. So do yourself a favor. Do your child a favor. Start them on a strict regimen of sodas and other carbonated beverages right now, for a lifetime of guaranteed happiness"
For the record, drinking soda as a toddler did not help Little Billy in anyway help as a teen. He was the teen with the rotting teeth, weight problem and sallow skin-which didn't really help his 'fitting in'....and how about the 'strict regimen'..."Billy you get in here this minute and drink your coke!!!".....the fine print says "Boosts personality!", um yeah if bouncing off the walls is a 'personality'.
Unbelievable. What year was that? Where did you get it?
I love your blog.
wow. My mom obviously never read that ad, because I don't think I had a soda until Jr. High! That's terrible! And... hilarious at the same time.
Clever, Marcy.
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