
Counting the days...

End of the school year- and I am thrilled. JUST THRILLED. Since I am a SWAT (or SAHM if you prefer), summer is really the season I get to shine. I plan all kinds of field trips for the three of us: Griffith Observatory, MOCA, and the beach. I plan play dates and squirt gun parties. I pass out lots of Popsicles and cookies. We make and edit movies just for fun. We do all kinds of clay projects. We paint and draw. And we frequently do a wood working project (last summer was a catapult I built with the boys). I get enthusiastic about collecting bugs and making makeshift habitats for them in shoe boxes. We swim at Grandma’s house for as long as we want and that is usually till sunset. Basically we hang out together. And I love it. No stress. No worries….and all fun. I never have to hear myself say things like “NO you can’t ride your skateboard you have homework!” or “NO you can not stay up to watch that- it is a school night”….nope I just get to hear myself say “YES-Sure we can all sleep in the family room and rent lots of movies to watch”, or even “YES, I will let you put whip cream on your waffles”. Of course it is a bit harder to get anything done around the house (cleaning when the boys are home is like walking UP a DOWN escalator)…and sometimes I yearn for the ability to go grocery shopping without having to say to explain the nutritional differences between apple candy and a real apple. But in general- I love summer with my kids. I love the luxury of just BEING with them. I want to soak them all up. I want to savor all of this time together- because whether I like it or not (and I do not like it) they are growing up and growing away. Before long I will be out of a job. And someday summer will come- and I will be able to think back on all these wonderful wacky summers we have together- and I will have lots of great memories to make me smile.


Kate said...

Your post made me SMILE REAL BIG...I love SUMMER too with my cherubs!! :D Cannot wait...only 13 more days! Whooohoo! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I am so envious of your enthusiasm! But my kids have been home with me every single day for seven years.

Not that I don't love it - and not that I'm not looking forward to summer - it's just a different dynamic here.

You sound like a FANTASTIC mother.

And I'm DYING to know what happened with Jack's school........

Suzanne said...

We are totally hanging out this summer with the kids. I'll bring the pasta salad!

Anonymous said...

I used to love summer time too but I never reached that level .
Your kids are lucky! I've told you that many times.